
/Training sessions


Agroecology for Europe

Training sessions

FADEAR - The Peasant Agriculture’s Charter

In the 90’s the French farmers of the “Confederation paysanne” decided to work on a
definition of an agriculture which could give an orientation to agricultural policies
and to farmers to enable numerous farmers around the world to make a decent living
from a sustainable agriculture that would keep the countryside alive.
Together with academic researchers and based on their practices, they produced in
1998 a Charter with 10 principles and 6 main lines detailed in 84 indicators for a
farm diagnosis.

Picture by LWA

For more information:
The French Network of Peasant Agriculture (FADEAR):
Learn more (in French) on the website:

Read some abstracts of the Peasant Agriculture’s Guide that explains the Charter and
each indicator of the Diagnosis:


Abstract of the 6 main lines of Peasant Agriculture


Working with nature

Nature is the main wealth of farmers
It is essential to work with it and not against it

· To maintain long term soil fertility
· To favour local biodiversity and the variety of the production
· To preserve natural resources and share them fairly



To develop the autonomy of the farm

· To keep control over decision making processes
· To limit seed and animal feed purchases. To favour producing them yourself
and thus value the local resources
· To limit dependence on fossil fuels
· To control debt and dependence on aid

Picture by LWA

Transfer to the next generation

To allow farmers to transfer their farms to the following generation

· To limit the growth of the farm and investments that could be too heavy for its
· To secure availability of land
· To include work time in calculating production costs to work out profitability
and not discourage future desires to take over
· To make the farm an agreeable environment and sign up to local solidarity

Local development

The farmer is a key player in the community

· To enter a farmers’ organisation for sharing resources locally
· To open the farm to the public regularly
· To take an active part in civic life



To distribute fairly the quantities of produce.

· To manage to make sufficient earnings from an area with suitably
proportioned agricultural buildings to allow other farmers to operate.
· To improve the value of produce
· To increase the profit margin per unit of produce by reducing input.



To develop the quality and taste of agricultural produce

· To produce with transparency for the consumer
· To respect natural cycles and animal welfare
· To appreciate our own production in order to sell it better
· To choose a label that suits our produce best